Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Alert Session Time out in ASP.NET


One of the requirements in my project was to warn users about the session expiry. Though it looks like a simple requirement for the end users, it is not the case for developers and designers. We need to deal with lot of scenarios in the real time application. What is the best way to achieve the objective? Some of the challenges would be like:
  1. Session is a sliding expiry value. It gets extended every time there is a post back.
  2. There are multiple ways that you can handle this scenario and each of them has its own technical challenges.


The following section will try to cover few of the approaches to handle session expiry.

1. Provide a Simple Alert

In this approach, the user will be provided with a simple warning message, based on a pre-defined time interval.
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
       var sessionTimeoutWarning = 
 "<%= System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings
        var sessionTimeout = "<%= Session.Timeout %>";

        var sTimeout = parseInt(sessionTimeoutWarning) * 60 * 1000;
        setTimeout('SessionWarning()', sTimeout);

        function SessionWarning() {
var message = "Your session will expire in another " + 
 (parseInt(sessionTimeout) - parseInt(sessionTimeoutWarning)) + 
 " mins! Please Save the data before the session expires";
  • sessionTimeoutWarning: is a predefined value in the application configuration. Say 18 minutes.
  • sessionTimeout: holds the session timeout interval. Say 20 minutes. In case the user does not do any post back on the page for about 18 minutes, he will be warned about the session expiry.

2. Provide a Simple Alert and Then Redirect the User to Home Page or Login Page

  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var sessionTimeoutWarning = 
 "<%= System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings
        var sessionTimeout = "<%= Session.Timeout %>";
        var timeOnPageLoad = new Date();
        //For warning
        setTimeout('SessionWarning()', parseInt(sessionTimeoutWarning) * 60 * 1000);
        //To redirect to the welcome page
        setTimeout('RedirectToWelcomePage()',parseInt(sessionTimeout) * 60 * 1000);

        //Session Warning
        function SessionWarning() {
            //minutes left for expiry
            var minutesForExpiry =  (parseInt(sessionTimeout) - 
            var message = "Your session will expire in another " + minutesForExpiry + 
   " mins! Please Save the data before the session expires";
            var currentTime = new Date();
            //time for expiry
            var timeForExpiry = timeOnPageLoad.setMinutes(timeOnPageLoad.getMinutes() 
    + parseInt(sessionTimeout)); 

            //Current time is greater than the expiry time
            if(Date.parse(currentTime) > timeForExpiry)
                alert("Session expired. You will be redirected to welcome page");
                window.location = "../Welcome.aspx";

        //Session timeout
        function RedirectToWelcomePage(){
            alert("Session expired. You will be redirected to welcome page");
            window.location = "../Welcome.aspx";
In this approach, the user will be warned about the session timeout. If user does not save or do any post back, he would be redirected to the login or home page, once the session interval time expires.

3. Extend User Session

 <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        var sessionTimeoutWarning = 
 "<%= System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings
        var sessionTimeout = "<%= Session.Timeout %>";
        var timeOnPageLoad = new Date();
        var sessionWarningTimer = null;
        var redirectToWelcomePageTimer = null;
        //For warning
        var sessionWarningTimer = setTimeout('SessionWarning()', 
    parseInt(sessionTimeoutWarning) * 60 * 1000);
        //To redirect to the welcome page
        var redirectToWelcomePageTimer = setTimeout('RedirectToWelcomePage()',
     parseInt(sessionTimeout) * 60 * 1000);

        //Session Warning
        function SessionWarning() {
            //minutes left for expiry
            var minutesForExpiry =  (parseInt(sessionTimeout) - 
            var message = "Your session will expire in another " + 
  minutesForExpiry + " mins. Do you want to extend the session?";

            //Confirm the user if he wants to extend the session
            answer = confirm(message);

            //if yes, extend the session.
                var img = new Image(1, 1);
                img.src = 'KeepAlive.aspx?date=' + escape(new Date());

                //Clear the RedirectToWelcomePage method
                if (redirectToWelcomePageTimer != null) {
           //reset the time on page load
                timeOnPageLoad =  new Date();
                sessionWarningTimer = setTimeout('SessionWarning()', 
    parseInt(sessionTimeoutWarning) * 60 * 1000);
                //To redirect to the welcome page
                redirectToWelcomePageTimer = setTimeout
  ('RedirectToWelcomePage()',parseInt(sessionTimeout) * 60 * 1000);

            //Even after clicking ok(extending session) or cancel button, 
    //if the session time is over. Then exit the session.
            var currentTime = new Date();
            //time for expiry
            var timeForExpiry = timeOnPageLoad.setMinutes(timeOnPageLoad.getMinutes() + 

            //Current time is greater than the expiry time
            if(Date.parse(currentTime) > timeForExpiry)
                alert("Session expired. You will be redirected to welcome page");
                window.location = "../Welcome.aspx";

        //Session timeout
        function RedirectToWelcomePage(){
            alert("Session expired. You will be redirected to welcome page");
            window.location = "../Welcome.aspx";
In this approach, the user will be warned about the session timeout and provides the ability to extend user session. If the user confirms to extend the session, it gets extended. If user confirms after the session expiry timeout limit, even then the user will be logged out. Following lines of code are used to extend the user session. Where 'KeepAlive.aspx is a dummy page in the website.
var img = new Image(1, 1); 
img.src = 'KeepAlive.aspx?date=' + escape(new Date()); 
Note: In all the above scenarios, I am assuming SetTimeout method and session related variables will be reset whenever there is a post back. This may not work 100%, when there could be partial rendering and the SetTimeoutmethod and session related variables may not be reset. All files are in the Samples folder.


source : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/227382/Alert-Session-Time-out-in-ASP-Net

JQuery Show Session Timeout message before session expires in asp.net


In this article I will explain how to show session timeout message before session expires or redirect to login page when user inactive on website using JQuery in asp.net.


In previous article I explained show alert message when user idle or inactive on website using JQuery. I am using that concept here to show session timeout message before session expires when user idle or inactive on website using JQuery in asp.net.

Generally in banking sites if we stay idle for sometime automatically we will get alert like your session is going to expire and it will show options like do you want to continue or Signout. Whenever we click on continue our session will active in that site without any session expire if we click on Sign Out option it will signout from that site and return to home page. We can implement this functionality easily by using available JQuery plug-in.

For that First open Visual Studio and create new website after that right click on your website and add new folder and give name as JS and insert script files in folder you should get it from attached folder same way add another new folders CSS and images and insert required css and images files in respective folders you should get it from attached folder. After that write the following code in your aspx page 

<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<title>JQuery Show session timeout message before session expires in asp.net Page</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1/jquery-ui.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery.idle-timer.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/timeout-dialog.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/index.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/timeout-dialog.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
<script type="text/javascript">

$(function() {
var timeout = 60000;
$(document).bind("idle.idleTimer"function() {
// function you want to fire when the user goes idle
$.timeoutDialog({ timeout: 1, countdown: 60, logout_redirect_url: 'http://www.aspdotnet-suresh.com', restart_on_yes: true });
$(document).bind("active.idleTimer"function() {
// function you want to fire when the user becomes active again

<form id="form1" runat="server">
<h1>Aspdotnet-Suresh.Com</h1><b>Show session timeout message before session expires when user idle on website for 5 secs in asp.net</b>

If you observe above code in header section I added some of script files and css files by using those files we have a chance to show session timeout message when user idle for more than 5 secs (Here I taken 5 sec time you can change it based on your requirement) on website using JQuery in asp.net and you can get those files from attached folder.

In header section if you observe we have a function timeoutDialog() that one we are using to show session timeout popup you can get that function details from timeout-dialog.js file and check below parameters details which are belonging to timeoutDialog() function

timeout: The number of your session timeout (in seconds). The timeout value minus the countdown value determines how long until the dialog appears.

Countdown: The countdown total value (in seconds).

Title: 'Your session is about to expire!' The title message in the dialog box.

Message: 'You will be logged out in {0} seconds.' The countdown message where {0} will be used to enter the countdown value.

Question: 'Do you want to stay signed in?' The question message if they want to continue using the site or not.

keep_alive_button_text: 'Yes, Keep me signed in' The text of the YES button to keep the session alive.

sign_out_button_text: 'No, Sign me out' The text of the NO button to kill the session.

keep_alive_url: '/keep-alive' The url that will perform a GET request to keep the session alive. This GET expects a 'OK' plain HTTP response.

logout_url: 'null' The url that will perform a POST request to kill the session. If no logout_url is defined it will just redirect to the url defined in logout_redirect_url.

logout_redirect_url: '/' The redirect url after the logout happens, usually back to the login url. It will also contain a next query param with the url that they were when timedout and a timeout=t query param indicating if it was from a timeout, this value will not be set if the user clicked the 'No, Sign me out' button.

restart_on_yes: 'true' A boolean value that indicates if the countdown will restart when the user clicks the 'keep session alive' button.

dialog_width: '350' The width of the dialog box.

Now run your application and check the output.


Download sample code attached

source : http://www.aspdotnet-suresh.com/2012/06/jquery-show-session-timeout-message.html