Wednesday, August 30, 2017

How-To: Schedule Full Automatic cPanel Backups for MySQL Databases and Files using the Cron

Update Oct. 2012!

This script has been thoroughly revised and updated and works with the latest version of cPanel and WHM. And it’s still free! Also, a new version of the WHM reseller backup script has been released.
The guide in this video is for version 1.0 of the script. It has since be updated significantly – you should edit config.php instead
Ensuring your website and data are safe in the event of a disaster can be a tricky and time consuming task.
Have you recently made a complete backup of your website?
“No” is not a option any more – it’s easy with the right tools.
For those of you who don’t have professional grade Managed WordPress Hosting that handles all this for you, we have built a script that will completely automate your daily/weekly backups.
We have built it for those out there that use cPanel (so we don’t support Plesk, sorry).

Schedule automatic web hosting backups for your MySQL and file Data

Of course, this automation script is completely free and we encourage you do to download it and set it up.
Further, to make it easy we have provided a clear step-by-step how-to video so you can implement it yourself in about 5 minutes without any hassle whatsoever.

Automatic backups in 4 easy-to-follow steps

  1. Download the script that we wrote.
  2. Edit the script with your web hosting details
  3. Upload the script to your web hosting using your FTP client
  4. Setup the automation (“cron” job)
You can download the cPanel backup script written in PHP here.

Easy to follow Video guide on how to setup the CPanel automatic backup

To make things super easy for you, I have put together a 4 minute video that outlines all you need to get the automation script installed on your web hosting site.
If you have any issues, please feel free to write a comment below, or on the Video on YouTube.

What Next?

If you’re having hassles with your web hosting and would prefer someone look after your website ensuring that you’re secure and your data is always backed up, please have a look at our Managed WordPress Hosting option.
Of course, if you’re just starting out, remember you can get a brand new, top-class website based on WordPress for only 100!

Use the form below to join our Developer Channel

Do you need an automated CPanel web hosting backup script? There is that and more in the Developer Channel

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