recently i have worked on LDAP.I need to find all informations from, i have wrote some helper classes for finding them.Here are some example.
public class ADManager
PrincipalContext context;
public ADManager()
context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Machine, "xxx", "xxx", "xxx");
public ADManager(string domain, string container)
context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain, domain, container);
public ADManager(string domain)//, string username, string password)
context = new PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain);//, username, password);
public bool AddUserToGroup(string userName, string groupName)
bool done = false;
GroupPrincipal group = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, groupName);
if (group == null)
group = new GroupPrincipal(context, groupName);
UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, userName);
if (user != null & group != null)
done = (user.IsMemberOf(group));
return done;
public bool RemoveUserFromGroup(string userName, string groupName)
bool done = false;
UserPrincipal user = UserPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, userName);
GroupPrincipal group = GroupPrincipal.FindByIdentity(context, groupName);
if (user != null & group != null)
done = !(user.IsMemberOf(group));
return done;
public static class ADProperties
public const String OBJECTCLASS = "objectClass";
public const String CONTAINERNAME = "cn";
public const String LASTNAME = "sn";
public const String COUNTRYNOTATION = "c";
public const String CITY = "l";
public const String STATE = "st";
public const String TITLE = "title";
public const String POSTALCODE = "postalCode";
public const String PHYSICALDELIVERYOFFICENAME = "physicalDeliveryOfficeName";
public const String FIRSTNAME = "givenName";
public const String MIDDLENAME = "initials";
public const String DISTINGUISHEDNAME = "distinguishedName";
public const String INSTANCETYPE = "instanceType";
public const String WHENCREATED = "whenCreated";
public const String WHENCHANGED = "whenChanged";
public const String DISPLAYNAME = "displayName";
public const String USNCREATED = "uSNCreated";
public const String MEMBEROF = "memberOf";
public const String USNCHANGED = "uSNChanged";
public const String COUNTRY = "co";
public const String DEPARTMENT = "department";
public const String COMPANY = "company";
public const String PROXYADDRESSES = "proxyAddresses";
public const String STREETADDRESS = "streetAddress";
public const String DIRECTREPORTS = "directReports";
public const String NAME = "name";
public const String OBJECTGUID = "objectGUID";
public const String USERACCOUNTCONTROL = "userAccountControl";
public const String BADPWDCOUNT = "badPwdCount";
public const String CODEPAGE = "codePage";
public const String COUNTRYCODE = "countryCode";
public const String BADPASSWORDTIME = "badPasswordTime";
public const String LASTLOGOFF = "lastLogoff";
public const String LASTLOGON = "lastLogon";
public const String PWDLASTSET = "pwdLastSet";
public const String PRIMARYGROUPID = "primaryGroupID";
public const String OBJECTSID = "objectSid";
public const String ADMINCOUNT = "adminCount";
public const String ACCOUNTEXPIRES = "accountExpires";
public const String LOGONCOUNT = "logonCount";
public const String LOGINNAME = "sAMAccountName";
public const String SAMACCOUNTTYPE = "sAMAccountType";
public const String SHOWINADDRESSBOOK = "showInAddressBook";
public const String LEGACYEXCHANGEDN = "legacyExchangeDN";
public const String USERPRINCIPALNAME = "userPrincipalName";
public const String EXTENSION = "ipPhone";
public const String SERVICEPRINCIPALNAME = "servicePrincipalName";
public const String OBJECTCATEGORY = "objectCategory";
public const String DSCOREPROPAGATIONDATA = "dSCorePropagationData";
public const String LASTLOGONTIMESTAMP = "lastLogonTimestamp";
public const String EMAILADDRESS = "mail";
public const String MANAGER = "manager";
public const String MOBILE = "mobile";
public const String PAGER = "pager";
public const String FAX = "facsimileTelephoneNumber";
public const String HOMEPHONE = "homePhone";
public const String MSEXCHUSERACCOUNTCONTROL = "msExchUserAccountControl";
public const String MDBUSEDEFAULTS = "mDBUseDefaults";
public const String MSEXCHMAILBOXSECURITYDESCRIPTOR = "msExchMailboxSecurityDescriptor";
public const String HOMEMDB = "homeMDB";
public const String MSEXCHPOLICIESINCLUDED = "msExchPoliciesIncluded";
public const String HOMEMTA = "homeMTA";
public const String MSEXCHRECIPIENTTYPEDETAILS = "msExchRecipientTypeDetails";
public const String MAILNICKNAME = "mailNickname";
public const String MSEXCHHOMESERVERNAME = "msExchHomeServerName";
public const String MSEXCHVERSION = "msExchVersion";
public const String MSEXCHRECIPIENTDISPLAYTYPE = "msExchRecipientDisplayType";
public const String MSEXCHMAILBOXGUID = "msExchMailboxGuid";
public const String NTSECURITYDESCRIPTOR = "nTSecurityDescriptor";
public class ADUserDetail
private String _firstName;
private String _middleName;
private String _lastName;
private String _loginName;
private String _loginNameWithDomain;
private String _streetAddress;
private String _city;
private String _state;
private String _postalCode;
private String _country;
private String _homePhone;
private String _extension;
private String _mobile;
private String _fax;
private String _emailAddress;
private String _title;
private String _company;
private String _manager;
private String _managerName;
private String _department;
public String Department
get { return _department; }
public String FirstName
get { return _firstName; }
public String MiddleName
get { return _middleName; }
public String LastName
get { return _lastName; }
public String LoginName
get { return _loginName; }
public String LoginNameWithDomain
get { return _loginNameWithDomain; }
public String StreetAddress
get { return _streetAddress; }
public String City
get { return _city; }
public String State
get { return _state; }
public String PostalCode
get { return _postalCode; }
public String Country
get { return _country; }
public String HomePhone
get { return _homePhone; }
public String Extension
get { return _extension; }
public String Mobile
get { return _mobile; }
public String Fax
get { return _fax; }
public String EmailAddress
get { return _emailAddress; }
public String Title
get { return _title; }
public String Company
get { return _company; }
public ADUserDetail Manager
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_managerName))
ActiveDirectoryHelper ad = new ActiveDirectoryHelper();
return ad.GetUserByFullName(_managerName);
return null;
public String ManagerName
get { return _managerName; }
private ADUserDetail(DirectoryEntry directoryUser)
String domainAddress;
String domainName;
_firstName = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.FIRSTNAME);
_middleName = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.MIDDLENAME);
_lastName = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.LASTNAME);
_loginName = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.LOGINNAME);
String userPrincipalName = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.USERPRINCIPALNAME);
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(userPrincipalName))
domainAddress = userPrincipalName.Split('@')[1];
domainAddress = String.Empty;
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(domainAddress))
domainName = domainAddress.Split('.').First();
domainName = String.Empty;
_loginNameWithDomain = String.Format(@"{0}\{1}", domainName, _loginName);
_streetAddress = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.STREETADDRESS);
_city = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.CITY);
_state = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.STATE);
_postalCode = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.POSTALCODE);
_country = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.COUNTRY);
_company = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.COMPANY);
_department = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.DEPARTMENT);
_homePhone = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.HOMEPHONE);
_extension = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.EXTENSION);
_mobile = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.MOBILE);
_fax = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.FAX);
_emailAddress = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.EMAILADDRESS);
_title = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.TITLE);
_manager = GetProperty(directoryUser, ADProperties.MANAGER);
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(_manager))
String[] managerArray = _manager.Split(',');
_managerName = managerArray[0].Replace("CN=", "");
private static String GetProperty(DirectoryEntry userDetail, String propertyName)
if (userDetail.Properties.Contains(propertyName))
return userDetail.Properties[propertyName][0].ToString();
return string.Empty;
public static ADUserDetail GetUser(DirectoryEntry directoryUser)
return new ADUserDetail(directoryUser);
And you just need to add your LDAP address at AppSettings section web.config file.If you need, u can add user name or password.otherwise,just add the LDAP address.
<add key="LDAPPassword" value="" />
<add key="LDAPPath" value="" />
<add key="LDAPUser" value="" />
<add key="LDAPDomain" value="" />
Include these classes on your project.Now you can get all informations from Active Directory.There are some method on "ActiveDirectoryHelper.cs". You can use them for retriving informations.